The Products app is the core of your store, being the place where all your products are stored and managed.
Its basic functionalities allow you to create, edit, and delete products, while additional features let you work with product variants, establish product relations, and enrich your catalog by adding media, content, etc.
For quick navigation:
Product search
You can find the relevant product either using the search field or by choosing to navigate through the catalog builder.
Note: Products that do not belong to any catalog or category will only be found under the search option.
Configuring the list
You can configure what information you’d like to see in the list through the configuration button:
Creating variants
To create a variant, you basically follow the same procedure as you would for the product creation. However, for the variant, you have to select under which product family you’d like to create a variant:
Products are straightforward, as they represent a single product in the system (with no variants associated with it).
Product families are very similar to a product but differ in that they have variants associated with them.
Variant represents a single product much like a stand-alone product, however, they cannot exist by themselves in the system. They always have to be associated with a product family.
Relating products
Adding relations to the product is pretty straightforward.
First, you need to select which products you want to relate together, then figure out whether you want the relation going both ways. Search for the product(s) and add it! As simple as that.
You can remove the relation just as easily; select the product you want to remove as a relation from the list and click remove.