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Getting Started With Promotions

What is it? In the promotions app, you manage and set up campaigns and promotions.
Basic functionalities: • Manage campaigns • Manage promotions → Setting up discounts → Setting up criteria

Campaign Overview


The very first page of the promotions app provides you with an overview of the campaigns. Over here you are able to:

  • create and delete campaigns;
  • prioritize campaigns (which can influence the way promotions are applied);


Campaign Statuses


A campaign can have 4 statuses:

  • Active - the campaign is currently running
  • Paused - the campaign is paused even though the dates are present
  • Upcoming - the campaign will start running when the start date kicks in
  • Ended - the campaign has ended and is inactive

Managing A Campaign


The first section presents basic information about the campaign:

  • which stores it runs in
  • start and end date/time
  • and the action of manually disabling the campaign, which makes its status paused

Below you have the list of promotions:

  • you see whether it is published or still in a draft state
  • you are able to prioritize promotions
  • and of course here can create new promotions

Managing A Promotion


You can rename and delete the promotion.

You can publish the promotion, if you do not publish it, it will stay as a draft.

By having ‘Allow following promotions to be combined with other’ turned on, you allow your customer to use discounts from multiple promotions.

The promotion consists of Criteria & Discount sections


Criteria are the objectives that your customers must fulfill, Ucommerce currently out of the box provides:


  • Category - they have to purchase something from the selected category in order to the discount;
  • Product - they have to purchase selected products;
  • Catalog - they have to purchase something from a selected catalog;
  • Promo code - they have to use a code to get a discount;
  • Price group - they have to purchase from a certain price group;
  • Spend more than
  • Buy at least
  • Shipping methods
  • Dynamic order property


Since you can create multiple criteria, you can choose whether the customer has to fulfill all of the criteria or just one is enough



A discount section is a place where you choose what type of discount you wish to give to your customer. Currently, out of the box, Ucommerce provides:


  • Amount off unit price
  • Amount off order total
  • Amount off order line
  • Percentage off order line
  • Percentage off order
  • Percentage off shipping total
  • Discount specific order line
  • Free gift



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